Revetment Wall Stabilisation, Lawn Road, Creeton

June, 27, 2022

At a Glance

Location: Lawn Road, Creeton

Clients: Dyer & Butler

Type of Project: Revetment Wall Stabilisation

Scope of Services: Structural Engineering & Architecture, Civil Engineering, Rail Engineering

Project Summary

VEDA Associates were engaged by Dyer and Butler to carry out the Detailed Design required for the stabilisation of the four existing revetment walls to underbridge structure ECM1 215.

The existing revetment walls were found to be suffering from differencial settlement causing rotation away from the running rails, causing potential for the loss of ballast in the track support zone. The original design proposed within the single option design in the Form F001 document called for the existing walls to be stabilised with a gravity retaining walls formed to the front of the existing structure.