Barnehurst – Cutting Stabilisation
June, 27, 2022
At a Glance
Location: Barnehurst, Greater London
Clients: Dyer & Butler
Type of Project: Cutting Stabilisation
Scope of Services: Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Rail Engineering
Project Summary
Following a shallow slip of a cutting 500metres from Barnehurst Station the contractor cleared the debris from the track and installed a row of double height ballast bags at the toe of the 25m long slipped cutting face.
VEDA Associates were appointed to conduct an optioneering exercise to present to the client suitable stabilisation methods for the embankment.
Two options were taken forward to detailed design; a sheet piled wall and an insitu retaining wall utilising a reinforced 325 Stepoc System both of which were proposed at the toe of the embankment.
Both solutions allowed the cutting face to be re-profiled to prevent further slips. Due to limiting possession lengths required for the installation of the sheet piles the Stepoc System was proposed for construction as works could progress during operational hours.